Prednisone and prednisolone interconversion in the rabbit utilizing unbound concentrations

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Prednisone for bunnies. Prednisone and prednisolone interconversion in the rabbit utilizing unbound concentrations

  Prednisolone (POH) and prednisone (PO) were both administered via seven different intravenous infusions (three POH and four PO) in each of six rabbits to. This study shows that prednisolone alone may significantly extend survival time and improve quality of life in rabbits with thymoma and provides owners with an. ❿  

Prednisone for bunnies. is prednisone bad for rabbits?

  This study shows that prednisolone alone may significantly extend survival time and improve quality of life in rabbits with thymoma and provides owners with an. One dose is generally not fatal, but over 3 consecutive days can cause a serious bacterial imbalance. Death may not occur for up to a couple. Prolonged treatment of rabbits with an established bilaterally symmetrical experimental arthritis with prednisolone ( mg/kg day) reduced both the swelli.     ❾-50%}


is prednisone bad for rabbits? | Rabbits Online Pet Rabbit & Bunny Forum.

    Hypofibrinolysis, thrombophilia, osteonecrosis. Amoxicillin and Penicillin can causelethal enterotoxemia when given orally. Demers , Use of a haptencarrier system in experimental immune arthritis in the rabbit , Arthr.

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Miyanishi, T. Yamamoto, T. Irisa, G. Motomura, S. Jingushi, K. Sueishi, Y. Osteonecrosis ON of the femoral head is a devastating complication occurring in patients receiving corticosteroid treatment.

This study examined the effect of three corticosteroids on the development of ON in rabbits. Four weeks after corticosteroid injection, the bilateral femora and humeri were examined histopathologically for the presence of ON. Haematological examinations were performed before and after corticosteroid injection. Osteonecrosis ON of the femoral head is a serious complication of corticosteroid treatment [ 12 ]. ON is typically observed in patients aged 30—60 and progresses to secondary osteoarthritis following subchondral collapse [ 12 ].

Corticosteroid dosage has been found to be associated with the incidence of ON in SLE patients [ 4 ]. Prednisolone PSLmethylprednisolone MPSL and triamcinolone TR are intermediate-acting corticosteroids widely used for treatment of various rheumatic diseases [ 56 ]. Intravenous pulses of MPSL allow high doses of corticosteroids to be rapidly delivered to patients who cannot take oral medication and exhibit the severe manifestations of SLE [ 6 ]. A fluorinated steroid, TR, is used to treat respiratory inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis and a variety of other inflammatory conditions [ 9 ].

To date, the effect of these different types of corticosteroids on ON development has not been well elucidated. Clinically, such attempts are often confounded by associated underlying diseases and differing administration methods oral or intravenous. A rabbit model of corticosteroid-induced ON was used in this study [ 8 ].

Adult defined as having the growth plate already closed male Japanese white rabbits Kyudo, Tosu, Japanweighing 3. Rabbits ranged in age from 28 to 32 weeks. Intramuscular injection of physiological saline was previously shown to produce no ON lesions in rabbits [ 8 ] and was not performed in this study.

Samples were sectioned along the coronal plane for the proximal one-third and cut along the axial plane in the distal part condyle. The entirety of the proximal one-third and distal condyles of both femora and humeri a total of eight regions were examined histopathologically for the presence of ON. A diagnosis of ON was made in blinded fashion by three of the authors K. A proximal or distal part of a bone is considered necrotic if it contains an ON lesion.

We examined the blood levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acid and platelets. Haematological data obtained at each time point were compared using Bonferroni tests. Statistical analyses were performed using StatView J Macroscopically, regions exhibiting ON appeared as yellowish-coloured areas within the bone.

Histologically, ON lesions exhibited an accumulation of bone marrow cell debris and the appearance of bone trabeculae with empty lacunae Fig. These findings were consistent for all osteonecrotic tissues.

However, in rabbits with PSL or TR treatment, the osteonecrotic lesions were accompanied by adjacent reparative processes, including aggregation of macrophages and fibrous tissues invasion Fig. Histological features of osteonecrosis in rabbits. Bone trabeculae demonstrate empty lacunae. The surrounding bone marrow tissue contains necrotic bone marrow cell debris.

Little reparative tissues are observed in rabbits receiving MPSL treatment Awhile the osteonecrotic lesions are accompanied by adjacent reparative processes, including aggregation of macrophages and fibrous tissue invasion in rabbits treated with PSL B. Prevalence and location of ON are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Incidence of ON in the distal femur was not significantly different among the treatment groups Table 1.

No ON lesions were observed in the distal humeri in any of the treatment groups Table 2. There was no significant difference in serum levels of cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid between rabbits receiving PSL and TR treatment at any time point tested. Platelet numbers were decreased from pretreatment levels 1 week after corticosteroid injection in all treatment groups. In this study, we adjusted three variables—glucocorticoid activity, biological half-life and administration method—to exclude potential experimental biases.

Glucocorticoid activity generally includes anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects [ 5 ]. These drugs were injected intramuscularly according to the original rabbit ON model [ 8 ]. To date, there have been no reports comparing the incidence of human ON according to the different corticosteroid compounds used.

Intra-articular TR hexacetonide for juvenile rheumatoid coxitis did not increase the risk of ON [ 12 ]. However, to our knowledge, there seem to be no or few adult ON cases which have proved to be caused by systemic administration of TR alone.

This is consistent with the low ON incidence in rabbits treated with TR in our study. The occurrence of clinical ON may be influenced by other factors, such as differences in administration methods, corticosteroid doses and underlying diseases [ 3416 ]. It is difficult to draw a conclusion for human ON from this rabbit experiment due to the interspecies differences.

On the basis of the results, we speculate that ON development in humans depends on the type of corticosteroid used; use of an optimal type of corticosteroid would be beneficial for patients with a high risk of ON. This hypothesis may be supported by the presence of several similarities between human and rabbit ON. First, increased lipid deposition and a rise in intraosseous pressure were reported in ON of both species [ 17—19 ].

Secondly, histological features of empty lacunae accompanied by surrounding marrow cell necrosis were shared in human and rabbit ON [ 820 ]. Thirdly, ON is multifocal in both species [ 18 ]. Fourth, haematological risk factors representing prominent lipid transport to the peripheral tissues were reported in humans and rabbits ON [ 1021 ].

Small differences in the structure of cortisol and its synthetic analogues result in remarkable differences in drug potency and duration of action [ 22 ]. All corticosteroid compounds have a common carbon skeleton. Addition of a 1,2 double bond to the corticosteroid nucleus creates PSL. The precise mechanism for this difference is unknown.

Our observations may also be attributable to this component. Albumin and CBG are the primary corticosteroid-binding proteins that transport cortisol; free unbound cortisol is the active molecular form [ 2224 ]. Decreased protein binding in patients with liver disease and hypoalbuminaemia results in the major side-effects of corticosteroids [ 25 ], while increased protein binding may limit the bioactivity of corticosteroids in patients with Crohn's disease [ 26 ].

Coagulation abnormalities and hyperlipidaemia are among the postulated pathogenic mechanisms for ON development [ 1281014152128—30 ]. Ischaemic events may result from vascular interruption through thrombi, lipid emboli or high intraosseous pressure associated with bone marrow fat-cell enlargement; these processes would subsequently lead to ON development [ 1281014152128—30 ].

In this study, the platelet levels decreased at 1 week following corticosteroid treatment, suggesting a hypercoagulable plasma state due to increased platelet consumption.

The platelet numbers recovered to pretreatment levels at 2 and 3 weeks in rabbits receiving PSL and TR treatment, respectively. However, the platelet levels did not reach pretreatment levels until at least 4 weeks after treatment in MPSL-treated rabbits Fig. Significantly increased lipid levels were also observed following MPSL treatment.

These data therefore suggest the presence of a hypercoagulable and hyperlipidaemic state of plasma in rabbits treated with MPSL compared with levels seen after PSL or TR treatment. Further study will be needed to clarify the mechanisms for steroid-induced ON, including morphological changes of bone marrow fat cells, the formation of thrombus and fat emboli, and expression of lipid- or coagulation-related genes in the marrow tissues [ 1281014152128—30 ].

In conclusion, this study demonstrated that MPSL treatment significantly increased the incidence of ON in rabbits, in association with elevated lipid levels, from that observed for PSL or TR treatment. These results suggest that the type of corticosteroid given may be an important component determining human ON development. Mankin HJ. Nontraumatic necrosis of bone osteonecrosis. N Engl J Med ; : —9. Osteonecrosis of the hip: management in the 21st century. Instr Course Lect ; 52 : — Osteonecrosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus develops very early after starting high dose corticosteroid treatment.

Ann Rheum Dis ; 60 : —8. Avascular necrosis of bone in systemic lupus erythematosus: possible role of haemostatic abnormalities. Ann Rheum Dis ; 48 : —6. Corticosteroids—Glucocorticoid effects systemic. In: Drug information for the health care professional. Greenwood Village: Micromedex Thomson Healthcare, : — Badsha H, Edwards CJ.

Intravenous pulses of methylprednisolone for systemic lupus erythematosus. Semin Arthritis Rheum ; 32 : —7. Does corticosteroid therapy affect the survival of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus? Arthritis Rheum ; 22 : — Effects of pulse methylprednisolone on bone and marrow tissues: corticosteroid-induced osteonecrosis in rabbits. Arthritis Rheum ; 40 : — Doggrell SA. Triamcinolone: new and old indications.

Expert Opin Pharmacother ; 2 : — A high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio as a potential risk factor for corticosteroid-induced osteonecrosis in rabbits. Rheumatology ; 40 : — Melby JC.

Prednisolone (POH) and prednisone (PO) were both administered via seven different intravenous infusions (three POH and four PO) in each of six rabbits to. This study shows that prednisolone alone may significantly extend survival time and improve quality of life in rabbits with thymoma and provides owners with an. Serum levels of cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid were significantly higher 1, 2 and 4 weeks after corticosteroid treatment in rabbits treated with. Rabbits were treated for up to 9 weeks with daily doses of cortisone. Cartilage from the distal femur was studied biochemically at regular. Prednisolone (POH) and prednisone (PO) were both administered via seven different intravenous infusions (three POH and four PO) in each of six rabbits to. It's FREE! Jump to Main Content. In a rabbit, it tremendously decreases the defenses of the immune system and can easily allow something like pasteurella which causes conditions such as respiratory and ear infections It is difficult to draw a conclusion for human ON from this rabbit experiment due to the interspecies differences. Sueishi, Y. Baytril and Metacam the "safe" drugs can and do seriously damage the liver especially if the bun is dehydrated any at all.

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For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Thread starter ani-lover Start date Jul 11, Help Support Rabbits Online Forum:. TinysMom Well-Known Member. I sure hope not Peg P. I looked it up there since you asked about it Click to expand I want to add something here Don't just assume your rabbit needs meds like prednisone and give it to them if you take it yourself or some such thing.

Iti s always best to see a vet to get help with something that is so serious it needs prescription drugs! Hi, The use of prednisone and steroids in general is very controversial in all areas of medicine In a rabbit, it tremendously decreases the defenses of the immune system and can easily allow something like pasteurella which causes conditions such as respiratory and ear infections Which makes me wonder just why would you want to use a steroid in your rabbit to begin with?

Not to say they are always a "no-no" and they do have huge benefits in limited situations. I would highly caution anyone against administering steroids to your rabbit unless a highly skilled doctor has prescribed them. When used in rabbits, it is for a limited time in a declining dosage And the tale about amoxicillin being always fatal is another complete fantasy. And here is my disclaimer again Thru the misuse of many of the "safe" antibiotics, some of the bacteria have built up a resistance to them and there are some rare bugs that are now sensitive to only amoxicillin.

As far as damaging the liver Baytril and Metacam the "safe" drugs can and do seriously damage the liver especially if the bun is dehydrated any at all. And we never use Metacam for more than 5 days Amoxicillin and Penicillin can causelethal enterotoxemia when given orally. One dose is generally not fatal, but over 3 consecutive days can cause a serious bacterial imbalance. Death may not occur for up to a couple weeks after treatment has ended. Pennicillin is commonly used in injectable form, but should never be given orally.

I agree with Randy that Prednisone can be a useful tool insome cases, but should be used with caution, especially when a long-term treatment option is needed. Just a little clarification on the use of amoxicillin and penicillin. These drugs should be used only under the direct supervision of a highly skilled rabbit vet. As Pam mentioned, those drugs can easily cause death if notadministered in the correct fashion and dosage.

But we are starting to see more and more bacteria that have become resistant to the "safer" drugs keep in mind that all drugs have side effects Thru misuse and overuse, drugs like Sulfatrim and Baytril are becomingineffective in some cases. More and more vets are using penicillin and amoxicillin. It is a tool that is available should it become necessary You must log in or register to reply here. Latest posts. Rabbit Veterinarian List. Why Not Eating Cecotropes? Latest: christinedavies Today at AM.

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